Write That Book Now!

So you’re stuck in the house because you’re “socially isolated” due to this damned pandemic. You can’t spend your evenings in your usual pursuits, whether that means getting together with friends over coffee or “adult beverages,” or going out to your fave restaurants or night spots, hitting the cinema, or wandering the mall.

Your daytime routine may have been curtailed as well. Assuming you have or had a job, depending on what that is/was, you may have been laid off “for the duration,” or if you have been self-employed—perhaps driving Uber or Lyft, or in some other capacity that requires interaction with the public—you may have “laid yourself off” for the duration in an abundance of caution.

Whether your daytime activities have been curtailed or only your evenings, suddenly you have massive time on your hands. What to do with it?

Sure, you can engage in a marathon of movie-watching on TV or binge on TV programs, but why not do something more creative, more rewarding, with your time? Why not undertake that book you’ve always wanted to write?

It might be your life story or the next Great American Novel. It might be a self-help book or a picture book for kids. It might even be a book of crossword puzzles or some other type of puzzles, a book of games, or a book of poetry. But if you’ve always wanted to write a book, and especially if you’ve had the idea for a book mushrooming in your head for some time now…this is your opportunity. What’s stopping you?!

Plant your tushy in your desk chair and your fingers on the keyboard, and write that book now!