Month: <span>January 2018</span>

Home / 2018 / January

The *Real* Life Of A Writer

“It must be wonderful to do nothing but write all day. No boss, no job, work in your pajamas, just sit at the keyboard and write.” Thus sayeth many people. But they’re wrong. Yes, the life of a writer IS wonderful. But it’s not what you imagine. Let’s take it from the top. First: Many...


Write Your Memoirs Now!

So you think you’re too young to write your memoirs? Think again! Just as your life is a work in progress, your memoirs can be a work in progress too. If you’re 30 or 50 or even 70, and you’re not facing a dreaded illness, you probably have no reason to disbelieve that your life...


Cold Spell? Warm Book!

Much of the nation suffered through a cold spell last week, with blizzard conditions in the Northeast, snow in northern Florida, where such an occurrence is rare, and misery widespread. It was good weather for staying home and curling up with a good book. With many places of business closed due to life-hazardous conditions and...


Not So Grim(m)… And No Fairy Tale

The publishing world recently celebrated—or for the most part failed to celebrate—a milestone: the 205th anniversary of the publication of CHILDREN’S AND HOUSEHOLD TALES, first published on December 20, 1812, still in print, but better known today as GRIMM’S FAIRY TALES.