Month: <span>June 2016</span>

Home / 2016 / June

What’s Cookin’?

If you’re at all familiar with my books, you may be aware that besides two novels, a bunch of nonfiction, and quite a few books for kids, I also have had a large handful of cookbooks published—all but two of them published by Roundtable. (Of those two, one was pubbed as an e-book by a...



I count myself very lucky—or blessed. Well, there are actually a number of reasons that I feel fortunate in life, but the one I have in mind at the moment is professional. Many book-writers have to toil at dayjobs far removed from what they really want to be doing—writing books—and get to write only on...


My, How You’ve Changed!

Today’s librarians talk in normal voices. They don’t whisper or murmur, and the word “Shush!” is not in their vocabularies. I always feel the need to look around and make sure I haven’t accidentally wandered into the Post Office next door. It’s not silenced enough to be a library!