Month: <span>September 2017</span>

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Banned Books Week And The Nanny State

This is Banned Books Week, celebrated—if that is the right word—by libraries and bookstores, not to mention authors, all across America. How does a book get banned—and by whom?


What’s Your Story?

They say that “Everyone has a story in them.” I don’t know that I necessarily believe that EVERYONE does, but surely MANY people do. For some, it’s a novel that they have an idea for. For others, it’s their memoirs. Still others have a nonfiction idea—a how-to, an inspirational or motivational message, or the biography...


Novels Aren’t All There Is

I’m not putting the knock on novels. I’ve written a few myself. But why do so many people—authors and readers alike—treat nonfiction and its writers like the ugly stepsister? For too many readers, nonfiction is what you buy when you need information on a particular topic. Novels are what you buy when you want to...


The Winds Of Change

The world of publishing has quietly been undergoing a revolution for some time now. Three forces have converged to level the playing field for authors, enlarge the selection of books for readers, and make the whole game more interesting all around.