Month: <span>June 2019</span>

Home / 2019 / June

Can You Handle Deadline Pressure?

Some people still have a mistaken idea of the writing life. They envision a writer curled up in the corner of her couch, laptop in lap, leisurely writing. Or perhaps she’s sitting alongside a babbling brook, drawing inspiration from nature as she pens what she hopes will be her best-seller.


Writing Bug Or Writer’s Block?

Do you have the urge to write? Maybe there’s something specific you want to write: your memoir, or a children’s story—perhaps one you originally made up to tell your own child—or a compilation of recipes you collected in the course of your travels, or a novel set in Camelot involving one of King Arthur’s knights,...


Precarious Freelance Life

The freelance life is a precarious one. Unless you’re a JK Rowling, Danielle Steele, you don’t pull in enough royalties to survive let alone thrive. So writing books full time is out of the question. You have to have another gig to pull in income. Yet you want to remain a freelancer.