Month: <span>August 2016</span>

Home / 2016 / August

Comics Turn Respectable

In my long-ago childhood, comic books were frowned on by most parents and teachers. They weren’t “real” books. They were more pictures than words. The language level in them wasn’t challenging. Kids loved them, but adults? Not so much.


Books – All The Entertainment Of T.V. With No Annoying Commercials

Aren’t books wonderful? They’re chock-full of entertainment, information, and assistance. Whether you choose to read fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or some of each of these, you can get a lot of pleasure out of books. And you get it all with NO COMMERCIALS! Nobody’s stopping at a crucial point in the storyline or informative explanation to...


In A Previous Life…

There are three recurring dreams I have with some frequency. One is an unhappy dream. The other two always have me waking up feeling good. The unhappy dream involves moving from one house or apartment to another, not because I want to but because I am forced by some circumstance—and often it involves moving out...


Expert Or One-Trick Pony?

Although I’ve had over 100 books published, I was a “late bloomer.” I didn’t have my first book published until 1993, well into my writing-and-editing career. The contract for that book, a book of children’s activities, written for parents, included the provision for a more-than-decent advance (a rarity in 2016 but more easily attained in...