Month: <span>February 2020</span>

Home / 2020 / February
My Poetic Aunts

My Poetic Aunts

Last week I wrote about poetry and suggested YOU try your hand at writing some. This week I want to tell you about two of my three aunts, who both wrote poetry—specifically, doggerel verse.

But Your Feet Show It

But Your Feet Show It

There’s an unintended pun in the silly old rhyme to which the title of this blogpost alludes. The rhyme, if you never have heard it or if more important infobits have edged it out of your consciousness, goes:

Food For Thought—On Wheels

Food For Thought—On Wheels

I’m sure you’re familiar in principle with “Meals on Wheels,” but what is brain food, or food for thought, on wheels? If you guessed “a bookmobile,” you’re right.

My Love Affair With Libraries

My Love Affair With Libraries

There were four libraries in my childhood. I loved them all. The first was a former private house that had been re-purposed into a public library to serve the town I grew up in and the next town over. The children’s department was a second-floor room filled with the magic of books that I borrowed...