Give What Counts

Give What Counts

It’s Christmas! Did you get the gifts you wanted? Did you give people—your kids, if you have kids, your significant other, whoever else is on your gift list—what they wanted? Do you know what people REALLY want—your kids, your significant other, your other relatives, your friends? Do you know what they really want from you, whether they’re on your Christmas gift list or not?

They want your love, they want your appreciation, they want your attention. When you’re with them, are you really present? Or do you have your eyes and your mind fixed on your cellphone?

Do you show the people you love that you love them? First of all, do you give them affection? I‘m a big believer in hugs—and I practice what I preach. I also believe actions speak louder than words. While I’m in no way downplaying the importance of saying, “I love you” to those you love, SHOWING them by the way you treat them, by the things you do for them, is ever so important.

If you have kids, naturally I hope you bought them books this Christmas, but on beyond Christmas, I hope you give them your love, your attention, your affection. And I hope you treat your significant other, your friends, your other relatives the same way. These are the gifts that REALLY count.