Lovely Weather For…Books

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April showers may bring May flowers, but they also bring the frustration of rainy days, when your outdoor plans get squelched. That tennis game, boating excursion, work in your garden, or walk around the neighborhood are gone with the raindrops. What to do?

Read a book!

Don’t get glued to a videogame when inclement weather keeps you inside. Open a book instead. Whatever your tastes in reading—whether you like mysteries or motivational reading, romances or recipes, high drama or how-to books, science fiction or suspense—you’ll find excitement or relaxation, information, instructions, or inspiration…and the oppportunity to read about mysterious worlds and alien races in both sci-fi books and scientific ones.

Books can transport you to another time, another place, another world…and it’s not just novels that can do that. There’s plenty of nonfiction that explores lost civilizations, distant planets, and the fascinating world that can be seen through a microscope.

Want to read about politics, present or past; history; biographies of the famous or simply fascinating; or the story of how various religions developed? It’s all between the covers of a book.

So what if your softball game was rained out, your bike ride ruined, your picnic the victim of a downpour? You can spend a wonderful afternoon relaxing in your favorite chair and reading!