Becoming an Author

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Becoming an Author

Writers write and readers read and authors gather—at least the authors and other writers of 4 Authors by Authors do.   I have always wondered what the difference is between a writer and an author.   We all write in some way or other, especially in today’s digital world, where texting and posting on Facebook and Twitter take up a part of our lives.  The world of publishing and writing has changed and continues to change, so how do those who write keep up with the changes and achieve what they want to achieve?

Writing is a solitary activity, while reading is often shared, such as reading out loud to a child, and the fact that writing is so solitary is one of the reasons that becoming a published author is an arduous task. It is hardly the only reason, however. I am one of those that believe writing is the easy part and publishing is the harder part. I heard confirmation of that at last Saturday’s 4 Authors by Authors conference, whose overall title was You, The Successful Writer: Completing, Publishing, and Marketing Your Work.

I have always wanted to be a writer, although my journey started later in life.  I did start writing in my early 20s. That, however, was not writing for publication. It was journaling my feelings after the sudden death of my father.  I was writing for my own healing and was very busy with my career in corporate America.  I did have a few things published in newsletters of organizations that I was involved in.  It wasn’t until my 30s, however, that all changed. That was when a head-on snowmobile accident disabled me, and I had to leave my career behind me.  My husband, since deceased, and I moved to South Florida. I had purchased a Commodore 64 computer, and I started to write and take classes in writing.  My writing started to flourish, and I had quite a lot of articles published in many types of publications as well as having several columns in national magazines.  Then life got in the way. There were lots of life challenges, and writing took a back burner.  I did continue to write; I just didn’t do anything with it.

Anyone who is a writer knows there is that passion inside of them that won’t go away, and something will happen that will get the motion going.  I had always wanted to write books and had written many of them, from inspirational books to children’s books, and called them my “Not Yet Published Books.”  I used to ask my friends, “Which book should I publish?” as I listed the names of the titles sitting on my desk, and they would answer, “The one that is finished.”  Well, so many of them are still waiting, but the one I did publish was the one that lit the spark. It’s about a girl superhero. I was inspired to write it by a student in one of my after-school programs.

It took 13 months from the time I got the idea until the book was published. I was 62 years young at that time.  I still remember vividly the day I got the proof copy. The joy that surged through me is a sensation I will never forget.  My book is in its second printing and it the first one I had printed in New York as that was the only place where I could find it printed at a reasonable price. Luckily with the connections that I made as a result of being the founder of 4 Authors by Authors, I was able to get it printed locally by Photographics USA.

After the book came out, so many people asked me how I had done it—written a book and gotten it published.  I could have held a workshop and told people what I had done, yet I knew there were many ways, many paths to getting published. I also knew many other authors who had published different types of books and had followed different pathways to their goal. As they say, the rest is history.  The first 4 Authors by Authors (read the “4” as “For”) event was held in November of 2014. I had planned on doing only one major event, thinking we would then have ongoing workshops through the year.  However, the public wanted more major events, so more there was and more there will be.

We have an amazing team of supporters, presenters, and vendors within 4 Authors by Authors and are truly becoming a resource for writers in South Florida. We are pleased to have formed an alliance with the people at Photographics USA, the printing arm of Roundtable Publishing, and with Roundtable itself, both of which are great resources for writers, especially but not only writers in South Florida. Photographics USA can provide low-cost, quality on-demand printing for writers who wish to go the self-publishing route—and these days that is an ever-increasing number of writers. It’s a trend I don’t foresee slowing any time soon. Writers looking for a receptive publisher will find one in Roundtable Publishing, one of the new breed of hybrid publishers that offer à la carte publishing. There is no charge for the printing, but editing services are not included. They can recommend an editor, or you can find one on your own. It’s truly an exciting time to be a writer—or is it “author”?

That brings us back to where we started: Just what is the difference between a writer and an author anyhow? I guess the dictionary would give some sort of answer, but to me both are words that describe someone with a need to say something. I am simply glad that we have a place where authors can gather and get the tools they need to reach their goals and dreams.

Information on 4 Authors by Authors can be found at

Information on Janet Lifshin can be found at