Author: Cynthia MacGregor

Home / Cynthia MacGregor
Love Books? Ever Wish You Could Write One Yourself?

Love Books? Ever Wish You Could Write One Yourself?

While not all voracious readers are writers, almost all writers are voracious readers. We consume books as if they were manna, not only delicious but necessary for our very sustenance. Have you ever thought you’d like to write a book? What’s stopping you? While more would-be writers aspire to fiction writing, for some reason, wishing...

The Loving Room

The Loving Room

If the room where the family gathers, the room where guests are entertained, the room you likely spend most of your evenings in is the living room, the kitchen is surely the loving room. When you cook delicious meals for your family (or for yourself, if you’re living solo), you’re surely expressing your love. (And...

The Real Magic Kingdom

The Real Magic Kingdom

Although Disney World calls itself, and is called by many others, “The Magic Kingdom,” there is another magic kingdom that is much more accessible to all. You don’t have to pay a hefty price to enter. You don’t have to travel to Orlando, either. In fact, you don’t have to leave the comfort of your...

Everybody Wants To Be Loved…Authors Too

Everybody Wants To Be Loved…Authors Too

It’s universal. We all want to be loved. And authors are no exception. We authors, however, want love not only from our families and friends but from our readers, as well. Are you showing love for the authors whose books you enjoy? There are, of course, classic stories of authors who scribbled in obscurity in...

Do You Have A Budding Author In The Family?

Do You Have A Budding Author In The Family?

While not all avid readers turn into writers, most writers start out as avid readers. If you have a young family member who can’t get enough of books, who seems to gallop from the first page to the last, who wears out her or his library card, and whose bookshelf is crammed, you might possibly be harboring a budding author. Encourage her or him.

When Not Getting What You Want Is A Blessing

When Not Getting What You Want Is A Blessing

Sometimes we’re lucky and we don’t get what we want. My affinity for writing evinced itself when I was very young. I was writing poems, stories, even a play from the time I learned to spell C-A-T. Everyone cheered me on—family, teachers, family friends—and assured me I was going to be a writer when I...

Stuck With Leftovers?

Stuck With Leftovers?

“Leftovers? Ugh!” Is that what your family says—or what you yourself think—when you have leftover meats and try to serve them re-warmed the next night?

Cynthia MacGregor at Liberty Book Store

Cynthia MacGregor at Liberty Book Store

Author Cynthia MacGregor held a book signing at Liberty Book Store, 330 Clematis Street, West Palm Beach, FL.  The book signing featured Roundtable’s Illustrated children’s stories Octopus Pie and Ants in his Pants, 20 copies of which were sold for the event.