Author: Cynthia MacGregor

Home / Cynthia MacGregor
How Will 2020 Be Different For You?

How Will 2020 Be Different For You?

Fellow authors—I’m talking to you. How is 2020 going to be different for you than all the years that preceded it? It’s not just a new year but the start of a new decade. Make that decade rollover a memorable one by making a major change or two in your writing career.

Time For A Change

Time For A Change

Any time something in your life needs changing is a good time to take steps, but the start of a new year is a particularly appropriate time to make that change.

Give What Counts

Give What Counts

It’s Christmas! Did you get the gifts you wanted? Did you give people—your kids, if you have kids, your significant other, whoever else is on your gift list—what they wanted? Do you know what people REALLY want—your kids, your significant other, your other relatives, your friends? Do you know what they really want from you,...

Resolutions For A New Decade

Resolutions For A New Decade

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Not everyone does. (I don’t.) And many of those who do make resolutions find that by the middle of February, if not the middle of January, they’ve broken several if not all of them.

When Reading Was Thought A Health Hazard!

When Reading Was Thought A Health Hazard!

People have fallen for much more outlandish beliefs than this one. In fact, there’s a site online called that made its reputation by debunking all the false and misleading stories that circulate, occasionally by word of mouth but predominantly on the internet. But did you know—can you believe—there was a time when people believed...

THE Importance Of Self-Editing

THE Importance Of Self-Editing

“You’ve got a typo in your first paragraph,” I said to the friend whose manuscript I was glancing at. “The editor will fix it,” he said with a shrug. “That’s what editors are for.”

In Over My Head

In Over My Head

I turned down a gig recently. The prospective client had inquired if I could edit a screenplay, and I said yes. But what he sent me was a season’s worth of log lines for a SF/F TV series. I’m in no way knowledgeable about SF/F. Not in novels or screenplays or teleplays or any other...

“Made-Up” Stories

“Made-Up” Stories

When I was a kid, “made-up” stories had two meanings: 1. Fiction. Stories that weren’t true; they were made up. 2. Stories devised by the storyteller. They didn’t come from a book; they weren’t familiar tales retold, or old classics that the storyteller knew by heart and was repeating. He or she had made them...

My Post-Halloween Fantasy

My Post-Halloween Fantasy

Halloween has come and gone. Now we can look forward to Thanksgiving (or, as many of us call it, “turkeyday”), a day on which we give thanks for many things, including turkey, but no turkey in its right mind has anything to be thankful for unless it escaped the axe.