Love Books? Ever Wish You Could Write One Yourself?

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Love Books? Ever Wish You Could Write One Yourself?

While not all voracious readers are writers, almost all writers are voracious readers. We consume books as if they were manna, not only delicious but necessary for our very sustenance.

Have you ever thought you’d like to write a book? What’s stopping you?

While more would-be writers aspire to fiction writing, for some reason, wishing to spin a story rather than deal in facts or opinions, there is plenty of opportunity in nonfiction as well. And “nonfiction” includes cookbooks and memoirs as well as how-tos, motivationals, inspirationals, histories, and such.

So first decide if you want to create characters and places that exist only in your own head—in other words, write fiction—or if you want to be helpful, informative, motivational, instructional, or reportorial—that is, write nonfiction.

Then narrow your thoughts: What, specifically, do you want to write about?

Then do it.

If you happen to live in South Florida (where Roundtable is located), there is an excellent organization that can be of help to your writing career or sideline. It’s called 4 Authors by Authors—the “4” stands for “For,” as the organization helps authors and is run by authors. Founder Janet Lifshin is the author of The Whole Glum Thing, a book for kids, and she is aided by Penina (Penny) Polokoff-Kreps, author of the forthcoming Conversations with My Daughter and the forthcoming Sexty…and Up, and by me, Cynthia MacGregor, author of over 100 published books (see ’em all at, a bunch of which are published by Roundtable.

4 Authors by Authors has a Big Event coming up on October 3, an all-day opportunity for writers and would-be writers to learn from a variety of speakers (I’m one of the speakers, and so is one of the Roundtable publishers) and to mingle and chat during the lunch break between morning and afternoon sessions. It will be held at Keiser University in West Palm Beach.

To learn more, go to We hope to see you at the event.

Meanwhile, today is an excellent day to start that book you’ve always wanted to write—and of course today is an excellent day to buy a Roundtable book—or two—to read.

Make it a good day!
