If you’re fortunate, you hold in your hand a magic key that can unlock many portals. It can take you to far-away kingdoms, real or fanciful, or reveal deep truths to you, or challenge your thinking or augment it, or enlighten you on subjects quotidian or sublime. If you’re fortunate, you hold in your hand...
My 15 Minutes Of Fame?
Of course I’ve been on TV before. As an author, I’ve guested on shows promoting various of my books. I was a contestant on JEOPARDY! in the pre-Alex Trebek era. (Who else reading this is old enough to remember when Art Fleming was the host?) Subsequent to my JEOPARDY! appearance, I was on two other...
Community Cookbooks
Has your church, local charity, PTA, or Homeowners’ Association thought of writing a community cookbook? It’s a great fundraiser, brings people together as they talk about the recipes they’ve contributed, and expands the culinary repertoire of all who buy a copy.
How Will 2020 Be Different For You?
Fellow authors—I’m talking to you. How is 2020 going to be different for you than all the years that preceded it? It’s not just a new year but the start of a new decade. Make that decade rollover a memorable one by making a major change or two in your writing career.