Month: <span>July 2019</span>

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Blending Voices

Lately I’ve been working on writing a book with an associate who I also count as a friend. He invited me to help him with the project, which he’d already written a first draft of in very rough form, and we’ve been passing the manuscript back and forth, adding to it, deleting from it, making...


The Tower Of Babel

When my mother was in high school, many decades ago, she was compelled to learn Latin. By the time of my own high school years—also long ago—Latin was no longer compulsory, but it was still offered.


Divided By A Common Language

Who said, “The U.S. and Great Britain are two nations divided by a common language”? This oft-repeated and unquestionably true saying has been variously attributed to Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, and Winston Churchill. In truth, they may all have said it at one time or another, though who said it FIRST, who ORIGINATED the...