Month: <span>May 2019</span>

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Not Exactly Writer’s Block

What I’ve got is not writer’s block, but it’s impeding me all the same. Writer’s block is that dread affliction that causes a writer to sit down to work on their work-in-progress, or to begin it, if all they have is the title, the concept, and perhaps an outline…but when they put fingers to keys,...


Great Gifts

An online newsletter I subscribe to contains queries from journalists, book authors, broadcasters, and others who seek input for articles, books, broadcast/podcast shows, and other media. Lately there has been a rash of queries seeking suggestions for gifts for people of varous demographis—by age, by occupation, by avocation. These articles the queries are for suggest...


A Revolution In Connecticut

In a world that’s ever more digital, a group of students at Yale have protested over the school library’s plan to relocate a trove of books from the Bass Library, bringing the library’s holdings down from 150,000 books to just 40,000.


A World Of Information

While I’m not discrediting the internet as a fabulous source of information, let’s not overlook books…and not just as a source for supplying answers to specific questions, but for generally informing us.