Month: <span>August 2018</span>

Home / 2018 / August

Are Any Of Your Books Best Sellers?

I don’t often get asked the question that is the title of this week’s blogpost, but I do hear it from time to time. Of the millions of books that are published, damned few are best sellers. And I don’t personally know anyone who has written one.


Routine? Nah!

A publisher who is also a writer herself posted a query on Facebook yesterday, asking other writers what their routine is: Do they give themselves quotas (she didn’t use that word) of turning out so many words per day or putting in so many minutes or hours per day of writing?


When Work Brings A Change Of Pace

As you may know, I not only write but edit as well. And, as I believe I have stated in this space previously, my personal reading preferences run strongly to nonfiction. My leisure reading rarely includes novels, and only on select occasions does the nonfiction I read include anything political or scientific. But my work...


Keep Those Books Circulating

I have a friend who loves to go to book sales. Even better, last weekend there was a FREE book grab, and she absolutely POUNCED. What does she do with all the books she acquires? Some she reads and keeps. Others she reads and then resells on eBay. Some she buys for resale purposes from...


Just For The Fun Of It

For all that we writers sometimes cuss, moan, groan, and fret over writing, writing is one of the most enjoyable activities I know. Yes, we face deadlines, and yes, there are times when we are hit with writer’s block, and there are times when we have to call a friend, desperate for help: “I can’t...